
Goals - VBA script for Stock Breakdown answers the question, how can we automate excel to create a stock breakdown using VBA. The VBA script creates and formats the following new columns: Ticker, Yearly Change with conditional formating, Percent Change and Total Stock Volume. In addition to these new columns, three data analysis fields for Greatest Increase, Decrease, and total volume for each tab from 2016-2014.

Test Data (file alphabetical_testing) - Used to develop the scripts. image

Raw Stock data for 2014 to 2016 image

Stock Data (file Multiple_year_stock_data_Final_yea) - Final Stock Market Analyst for 2014 through 2016 Stock_breakdown is the VBA script Results screenshots are in Word document Stock Year Screenshots

2014 Results image

2015 Results image

2016 Results image

Stock Market Analyst

Stock_breakdown is a script that will loop through all the stocks for one year and output the following information: The ticker symbol. Yearly change from opening price at the beginning of a given year to the closing price at the end of that year. The percent change from opening price at the beginning of a given year to the closing price at the end of that year. The total stock volume of the stock. The Greatest % increase in stock value for each year. The Greatest % decrease in stock value for each year. The Greatest total volume for a stock for each year. image

Added automatic formating for cells to add more polish. image